Would anyone like to be my friend?


4 Hearts

Hi there.

1 Heart

Hello! How has your day been?

Hi there, how are things going for you?

1 Heart

Hi to u too Griz! Things r improving as I’m working hard to improve them…
Hbu? What are u up to these days?

i am doing OK. just working on life and trying to make myself a better person

1 Heart

That’s nice, i hope u become happier :).

1 Heart

Btw, u play any sports?

Oh, me, me,me!
I am always looking for new friends lol. Are there any friendship prerequisites that i should know about?

2 Hearts

i enjoy hiking in the outdoors, I watch football, some basketball, I like Formula 1 racing. Birdwatching is a hobby of mine, that last 4 years it has gotten me through a lot

1 Heart

Don’t die! Lol, & use plenty of words… or I’ll make sure u do… ahem…

U live near trees & in mountainous areas?
I’ve recently started watching racing… it’s so cool & relaxing…
What’s birdwatching like? Do u also feed them?

i like in South Dakota. But we have river valleys filled with trees and wildlife. Yes i feed then and enjoy watching them throughout the day. Really love the large crows that come visit at times. so interesting.

1 Heart

Ah… the stoned presidents… it sounds so peaceful… I’m jealous… but also happy for u… do send a few pics… from time to time… if u don’t mind & if u take them…
Btw, Crows must’ve identified u by now, no?

Well I typically do use plenty of words and while i cannot promise I won’t die (since i most likely won’t get much say in the matter) if that big oven timer in the sky buzzes for me I will do my best to run away from the light in order to let the universe know I am just not ready yet (nobody wants underlived Magia, it just isn’t that good).

That being said as your friend I really think we need to raise your standards a bit because simply talking and not dieing seems kind of bare minimum when it comes to friendship must haves.

So lets add some things…

Your friends must not.

Sacrifice human beings to the volcanoe gods.
Dress or perform as a clown or mime even jokingly (shivers)
Wear matching socks at least 92.3% of the time
Lock people in dungeons or cages and call them “pets”
Claim to have invented the internet.
Push elderly people down wells.
Be overly needy and disrespectful of your opinions or time.
Order liver on any restaurant menu.

They should:
Be kind.
Be thoughtful.
Value your insight.
Practice active listening skills.

Feel free to add some more criteria. People typically suck so you can never be too picky with those you choose to call friends.

2 Hearts

U can always beat the counter… make sure to get plenty of practice & make active use of ur legs & treadmill… or u know… sacrifice someone elderly to a valcano - dressed as a clown whose socks don’t match,
Raising my standards… ouch… i don’t know whether to thank u or eat ur liver… :pensive:… but since u have made a pretty good case… I’ll be kind, thoughtful & value ur insight & instead of dressing up as a mime jokingly, I’ll be overly needy & show up at ur house… w my pets…

I’d like to add only one criteria though,
let’s take it in - moments & days… slowly.

1 Heart

the crows are very skittish have are around and then gone for a while so they probably do recognize me, since i put out corn for them and then eat a lot of it.

1 Heart

They’re planning to kidnap u… sounds like it.

2 Hearts

Pretty good, one of those days where you actually feel like things have been done!

1 Heart

That’s nice… I’m happy for u… i hope u do celebrate…
I had somewhat of that kind of day myself…

1 Heart