I have a birthday coming up

second chance for what? im confused. I was feeling upset that day, and didnt want to add more emotions on my plate by being around strangers and have to try to be friendly to strangers, when I literally wasnt feeling great. I do that constantly anyways I think I deserve my birthday to be rhe one day where I can actually relax lol That didnt happen, my family made sure I had a horrible day, not even kidding. It was just so bad.

yup exactly. Just because someone is blood doesnt mean you literally become their emotional or actual maid.

A-bloody-men to that.

1 Heart

Understood. I’m sorry that your parents had to be the primary reason for your emotional baggage.

1 Heart

sorry i sort of snapped in my comment. I feel like Ive been running on empty for like years, which is no excuse, Im not sure why I have like this underlying level of anxious /lonely/frustrated energy. Im either trying to help someone or the other, or trying to be understood, and really I usually just fall through the cracks .

Happy birthday regardless.

I don’t blame you. It doesn’t make you a bad person.

thank you :blush:

Thank you, that means a lot.

1 Heart

No worries. I hope you’re doing okay.

1 Heart

Im alright! mostly good. How have you been?

Terrible. Had a heated argument with my mom yesterday, and I’m so not ready for another conflict today. :frowning:

Happy :birthday: Birthday!!!

omg you’re still here!!? I hope youve been doing really well :blush:-blueberries

Living with parents can be really stressful, were things a little better the next day at all? I feel like for me, when I lived with my family, I would escape to the library. It was literally the safest place. No stress, no worries when somoen might yell. You can open a book about anything at all, even leard to code, paint, animate, history, everything.

Today’s been okay. I got my nails done at a salon, so everything’s okay, except that my dad was trying to nag me into changing my beliefs, but I’m not doing that.

1 Heart

ah yea parents. eye roll. I swear they take time to grow up :stuck_out_tongue: They grow up so slow, usually ariund when you turn 30.